A 21 year old man by the name Cedric May was executed by San Bernardino Police on Monday, August 24, 2009. It happened on Wall Ave., a small alley in San Bernardino, right next to his family member’s home the day after he was released from incarceration for marijuana sales. He was picking up a piece of a barbecue to celebrate his release from incarceration and his decision to clean up his act.
The story given by the officers involved is that they saw a young man running down the alley and get into a vehicle that was parked on the wrong side of the road. They claim that, when they went to investigate, Mr. May grabbed the officer by the genitals, squeezed them, grabbed his tazer and pointed it in the officer’s face. At this point, the officer’s partner supposedly was forced to shoot Mr. May to death.
Video footage shared with this reporter indicates that these reports are untrue, entirely. The family has requested the footage not be shared with the public at this point in time so that S.B.P.D. can have the opportunity to “hang” themselves with their own lies. The moment the family is certain that S.B.P.D. has settled on an official story, they and their supporters will release the footage of the slaughter.
Video footage and eyewitness accounts indicate that an officer “set-checked” (Asking what gang they were from) the people in the vehicle in the small alley (no room to park or drive more than one vehicle at a time) and ordered them to move their vehicle. When they did not move fast enough for the officers, the first officer dragged the driver out of the vehicle, had the passengers get out, handcuffed everyone from the vehicle and proceeded to assault them.
Once Mr. May identified himself as being on parole, the officers left the other three alone, proceeded to beat Mr. May worse, taze him several times and then shoot him. The officers dragged Mr. May deeper into the alley and let him die there. It was hours before an ambulance came and, when it did, officers on scene told the ambulance that Mr. May was already dead and to leave. All the while Mr. May laid on the ground, slowly dying, the officers on scene didn’t so much as offer him a band-aid. He received absolutely no medical attention. Before Mr. May’s body was removed from the scene, officers took the handcuffs off of his body and replaced them with zip-ties.
The San Bernardino Police Department claims that placing handcuffs on shot suspects is standard operating proceedure, even if the person is dead. They claim the reason behind this tactic is that officers are not EMT’s and are unable to determine whether a body is dead or not. This is curious because the officers sent medical aid away for this man, claiming that he was dead. There were other discrepencies found in the officer’s statements, too.
Currently, the S.B.P.D. claims this started out as a traffic stop; however, the video footage and eyewitness accounts indicate that the police vehicle never had any lights on. They claim the vehicle was parked going the wrong way on the street; however, the incident happened in a very tiny alley-way. The officers claim that Mr. May grabbed and squeezed the officers genitals before snatching the officer’s tazer and pointing it in the officer’s face; however, video footage and eyewitness account indicate that Mr. May was handcuffed and did not struggle except to keep from being beaten to death. If the officer was trained properly, Mr. May shouldn’t have been able to gain access to the tazer, anyway.
Another interesting fact is that this incident happened in the area of the first Operation Phoenix sect in San Bernardino. These officers were participatory in the Operation Phoenix training/attitude. Many Operation Phoenix officers hold the belief that, although harassing innocent civillians is unconstitutional, they are doing it for the greater good of society. They are comfortable with antagonizing troubled youths in the poorer parts of San Bernardino. Some have recently been accused of calling youths “nigger” and threatening to kick in their teeth. The officers involved in this execution are no different.
There are several youths claiming that the officers involved have even gone so far as to antagonize neighborhood youths until the youths retaliate and then they assault them. One child claimed to have been “chicken-winged” by one of the involved officers little more than a week ago.
Currently, the officer who supposedly shot Mr. May has been placed on paid leave. This is how the San Bernardino Police Department treats officers who murder youths in cold blood.