Earlier this week, ACORN was caught on video trying to help set up a brothel for underage immigrant girls (thirteen 13-15 year olds) in San Bernardino where the profits would go to support the political career of an aspiring politician. In the video, many names were rattled off in what seemed like references by the ACORN employee who claimed to want to assist in the set up of this “business” in San Bernardino. Among the names mentioned was one Congressman Joe Baca, firm supporter of Operation Phoenix (Mayor Patrick Morris’ “anti-crime” campaign).
In his run for re-election in late 2006, Joe Baca claimed credit for his involvement in Operation Phoenix as a positive reason to re-elect him. Countless complaints of civil rights violations by Operation Phoenix officers and participants have been reported and complaints that CPS has unjustly placed families under investigation and removed children from their homes because of Operation Phoenix raids on the poorer parts of the city; however, no complaint of Operation Phoenix can be considered as vile as the alleged molestation of three children in the “community centers” by Operation Phoenix employee (at 144K per year salary), Mike Miller.
Recently, Mayor Patrick J. Morris has taken his “anti-crime” program to Washington and promoted it for use throughout the United States. Patrick Morris is an ex CPS judge who sits on the boards of directors to many non-profits, some of which are contracted by CPS and make money every time his Operation Phoenix program lands a child into the foster care system. He is currently seeking re-election in San Bernardino.
As it turns out, ACORN directly supported Patrick J. Morris’ Operation Phoenix at a San Bernardino City council meeting in late 2007. Some twenty ACORN members showed up in red vests in support of the communistic program and were recognized by the mayor and council there. Considering the molestations, ties to many non-profits and similarities between the general template suggested by ACORN for the brothel and Operation Phoenix affiliate non-profits, one has to consider if Operation Phoenix and the re-election of Patrick J. Morris are a good idea for San Bernardino at all, much less the United States.