Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Penman finds free boxing program for disadvantaged youths of San Bernardino

Only a few weeks ago, the local media covered a story about the shooting of several children in the Arden and Guthrie area of San Bernardino. Some citizens were saddened, others were outraged. Many feel that the violence is unstoppable and merely shake their heads in disappointment and shame of what San Bernardino has become in the face of such tragedies as these. Others, such as Jim Penman (City Attorney who is currently running for mayor), searched for solutions to cure the problem.

Mr. Penman found that The Home of Neighborly Service was willing to take on the challenged children and provide them with a unique program involving free boxing lessons, mentoring and tutoring. The rules for the program include the children having to maintain a C average grade point average. Regardless of where their grades are when they join, they’ll be permitted to begin the program. If their grades are low, they will be required to use the tutoring service.

Another interesting part of the program are the rules surrounding the sportsmanship in and out of the gym. None of the children will be permitted to use their boxing to intimidate others inside or outside of the gym. They will be part of a program that teaches tolerance and kindness to others and the importance of respecting not only others, but themselves. It is a strict rule of the program that the children are taught that, regardless of where the members come from, they are all there to support one another. No gang, drug or bully activity will be tolerated in the program.
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